Thursday, February 11, 2021

Thank you nurse.....

I wore a sleeveless top so that I could be quick and there would be no time delaying 
stripping off.
I wittered on about being nervous and then......whoosh....all over. 
I was 'jabbed' this morning.
Thank you to all involved.


  1. Lucky you! I'm glad you were able to get one. Here in the US it is a true hit or miss affair depending on where you live. I live in a small county and got an email from our local health department yesterday thanking me for registering for the vaccine, but saying it may be months before our county might get any more jabs as the state took away all our current (v small) supply and gave it to a larger county. So if you want a jab (even if you are very old), one must now spend hours on the internet looking for a slot 50+ miles away. Pointless (pun intended).

    1. I'm sorry that is your experience Mary. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the rollout of vaccines sometimes.
      Good luck with your quest and stay safe.

  2. You have jumped ahead of me Libs. B'ham must be ahead of targets.

    1. Yes Rachel, I was a little surprised to get the call from my GP. I have a friend who is much older who is with another surgery and she hasn't had her call yet. Also this morning my nurse friend has messaged to say that bham has 30k shots awaiting use....rollout is a little hit and miss I guess, but personally I am glad to have had it...even with a sore arm this morning!

  3. Replies
    1. I count myself many people are still waiting.

  4. Sounds all very efficient. Well done. I'm still waiting and am told it might be a month or two before I qualify.

    1. Where are you Susan? and may I ask your age? Rollout is a remarkable thing but perhaps a little uneven in places.
      I am grateful to have had my first jab though.

  5. Get mine next Thursday at my local community hospital. How long before your second jab?

    1. Exactly 12 weeks time....same local place. I am such a scaredy cat with regard to injections, but I was glad to get this one..just have a sore arm this morning! x

    2. I had mine today and I admit...I started crying when I got there.I am 65 and stared acting like a 3 year old!.Its a good job hubby was with me,lol.My next one was booked while I was there,April 3rd,xx

  6. Good news, it looks like June for me,
